Suzanne O'Brien

When this high-wattage RN found her calling, she catalyzed an end-of-life doula movement. Now, Doulagivers is training frontline caregivers across the globe.

Suzanne O’Brien RN is founder and lead EOL trainer of Doulagivers

Suzanne O’Brien RN is founder and lead EOL trainer of Doulagivers

DM: What brought you to the world of end of life?

It was a knowing, a calling, and a feeling of being that tuned me into this part of life. When I was in nursing school, I often passed a hospice building on the main road. My inner voice told me in no uncertain terms, “I’m going to work there one day.” It was like, wait, where is that coming from? Then once I became a nurse and actually saw all sorts of end of life experiences, the elderly, I was completely drawn in.

DM: What is one lesson you’d like readers to take away from your work?

There is no judgement. From as far back as I can remember, it struck me that basically, whatever the religion or culture, we’re all one energy saying the same thing. Our goal is to learn, to be loved, and to love unconditionally. And in that order, there should be no judgment.

When I work with people at end of life, they tend to have these “a-ha” moments. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it does happen frequently enough. Before they leave they get this awareness– an understanding of what life’s journey was about. I like to say they acquired their spiritual eyes. It is in the sharing of these moments that I find mercy. It’s so incredible to watch people be released from the burden of self-judgement.

DM: What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Perfect happiness is when I am completely aligned and connected to the beautiful energy of everything– nature, animals, people. Being able to access the joy and bliss of our interconnectedness is something I work on daily.

DM: What is your current state of mind?

Gratitude. Gratitude, Gratitude!

DM: How would you spend a perfect day on earth?

I hope this question doesn’t refer to my last day, but if it does, I’d want to be surrounded by, and sharing, the loving and healing energies which connect us all. The energy of life that accompanies us to the end of life has been missing from modern society for way too long.

DM: Who are your favorite writers?

Obviously, given the kind of work I do, I’m always on the lookout for mentors and teachers and people I can relate to as I journey along my specific path. Eckhart Tolle is one of my favorites, as is Deepak Chopra and Dr. Wayne Dyer. These three individuals offer a beautiful message that really resonates with me.

DM: What are you reading, what’s on your bedside table?

Hold on, let me count- wow, there are sixteen books there! However, the one I’m reading right now is Metahuman by Deepak Chopra. It’s wonderful.

DM: What is one thing about you that would surprise people?

Um, gosh, I don’t know where to go with this question– perhaps it’s how low maintenance and down to earth I really am? I like to keep things simple, and real.

DM: What book would you like to be buried with?

I’m not sure yet if I will opt for a natural burial or donate my body to science. But if I were to be buried, I would definitely take Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now along.

DM: What is your exit plan? How would you like to die?

I’d want to be in a natural surrounding, whether it be mountains, forest, or the beach. I just want to feel nature. It’s those elements we talked about when you asked me the happiness question. Being connected to the vibration of everything, but especially nature. It’s incredibly powerful and healing. So I would want to be in that environment with my loved ones around me.

DM: If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?

I would like to be a hawk. Yes, that would be perfect.

DM: If heaven exists, what would you like to hear when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

I’d like to hear “well done.”

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To learn more about Suzanne’s Doulagivers End of Life Training, Click here

Exit Interviews Are Edited for Clarity.